

Bridget Copley
Founding director, Editor-in-chief
Orin Percus
Founding member


OASIS 3 interview: Andrea Moro

Continuing our series of interviews with OASIS 3 / SPE 12 invited speakers, today we're talking to Professor Andrea Moro, a professor of linguistics at Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS - Pavia.

OASIS 3 / SPE 12 invited speaker interviews

What do the invited speakers think will help linguists communicate with non-linguists? And other answers to burning questions....

OASIS "bubbles"

What are those round colored stickers that everyone is wearing on their nametags?

SPE 12 / OASIS 3 schedule

Check out the SPE 12 / OASIS 3 schedule.

Scientific American: This Ancient Language Has the Only Grammar Based Entirely on the Human Body

Linguist Anvita Abbi's Scientific American article tells about her work with Great Andamanese speakers.

Heidi Harley's blog

"The power of pos, or, How my MS diagnosis improved my life, or, Lexical semantics, relative adjectives, and resetting your baseline."