

Artemis Alexiadou
Founding member


A beautiful visualization of gender in language

How do languages mark gender? How do people feel about it?

Five reasons why OASIS 3 / SPE 12 was a success

We couldn't believe what people did when the breaks were over!

OASIS 3 to be held jointly with SPE 12: October 11-13, 2023

Ontology As Structured with the Interfaces with Semantics 3 is to be held jointly with Semantics and Philosophy 12 on October 11-13, 2023 at the Université Côte d'Azur.

OASIS "bubbles"

What are those round colored stickers that everyone is wearing on their nametags?

SPE 12 / OASIS 3 schedule

Check out the SPE 12 / OASIS 3 schedule.


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