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By OASIS members
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Bruening (2024): English middles and implicit argments
Nadathur & Bar Asher-Siegal (2023): Modeling progress: causal models, event types, and the imperfective paradox
Dikmen et al. (2023): When tense shifts presuppositions: "hani" and monstrous semantics
Reilly et al. (2023): What we mean when we say semantic: A Consensus statement on the nomenclature of semantic memory
Lewis (1970): General semantics
Tarski (1944): The Semantic Conception of Truth: and the Foundations of Semantics
Dieuleveut (2023): Can you See? Actuality Entailments in the Present
Rissman & Rawlins (2017): Ingredients of Instrumental Meaning
Roy (2013): Non-verbal Predication
Patel-Grosz et al. (2023): Super Linguistics: an introduction
Spathas and Alexiadou (2023): On the source of proportionality in nominal measurement: Evidence from Greek
Alexiadou and Lohndal (2023): Germanic diminutives: A case study of a gap in Norwegian
Roberts (2023): The indexical character of epistemic modality
Booth (2023): Underspecifying desires
Srinivas and Rawlins (2023): Semantic incorporation in English singular indefinites
Pavese et al. (forthcoming): Epistemic luck, knowledge-how, and intentional action
Kirfel and Phillips (2023): The pervasive impact of ignorance
Călinescu et al. (2023): How (not) to look for meaning composition in the brain: A reassessment of current experimental paradigms
Oikonomou et al. (2022): Clitic left dislocation and inverse scope: Plain indefinites versus numerals
Kürthy et al (2022): “Must” implies “can”
Copley and Roy (2015): Deriving the readings of French "être en train de"
Copley and Harley (2015): A force-theoretic framework for event structure
Călinescu et al. (2023): How (not) to look for meaning composition in the brain: A reassessment of current experimental paradigms
Del Prete and Todaro (2020): Building complex events The case of Sicilian "Doubly Inflected Construction"
Dieuleveut (2023): Can you See? Actuality Entailments in the Present
Dikmen et al. (2023): When tense shifts presuppositions: "hani" and monstrous semantics
Donazzan et al. (2020): Causation and dispositions: Towards a semantic characterization of the French causative verb laisser
Fuentes (2023): Unattainable duties
Giannakidou & Mari (2023): The Italian futuro as a non-biased epistemic necessity: a reply to Ippolito and Farkas
Goncharov and Zeijlstra (2022): Parasitic licensing in uncertainty
Date posted
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Author's last name
Roy (2013): Non-verbal Predication
Amsili and Beyssade (2017): "Plus" in the French negative system: A presuppositional and non-quantificational n-word
Beyssade (2020): Les implicatures
Beyssade (2017): Sous le Sens: Pour une Sémantique Multidimensionnelle
Martin et al. (2023 ms.) Transitives with inchoative semantics
Oikonomou et al. (2022): Clitic left dislocation and inverse scope: Plain indefinites versus numerals
Martin et al. (2023 ms.) Transitives with inchoative semantics
Spathas and Alexiadou (2023): On the source of proportionality in nominal measurement: Evidence from Greek
Alexiadou and Lohndal (2023): Germanic diminutives: A case study of a gap in Norwegian
Călinescu et al. (2023): How (not) to look for meaning composition in the brain: A reassessment of current experimental paradigms
Oikonomou et al. (2022): Clitic left dislocation and inverse scope: Plain indefinites versus numerals
Kürthy et al (2022): “Must” implies “can”
Alexiadou and Lohndal (2023): Germanic diminutives: A case study of a gap in Norwegian
Amaral and Del Prete (2016): On truth unpersistence: At the crossroads of epistemic modality and discourse
Amsili and Beyssade (2017): "Plus" in the French negative system: A presuppositional and non-quantificational n-word
Beyssade (2017): Sous le Sens: Pour une Sémantique Multidimensionnelle
Beyssade (2020): Les implicatures
Copley (2018): Dispositional causation
Date posted
Date published
Author's last name
Pearl and Mackenzie (2015): The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
Copley (2019): Force dynamics
Roy and Copley (2022): A dual ontology across the grammatical / conceptual divide
Roy and Copley (2022): A dual ontology across the grammatical / conceptual divide
Copley (2019): Force dynamics
Pearl and Mackenzie (2015): The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
Copley (2019): Force dynamics
Pearl and Mackenzie (2015): The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
Roy and Copley (2022): A dual ontology across the grammatical / conceptual divide